School Site Council members in a circle

North Broadway Elementary School

School Site Council

January 11, 2024 at 4:00-5:00 pm

Meeting in person and  via Zoom 

 Meeting ID: 824 2789 5647 Passcode: Families


  1. Call to Order/Inicio de Sesión 

  2. Roll Call/Asistencia

  3. Approval of the Agenda//Aprobación de la Agenda {ACTION}

  4. Approval of Minutes//Aprobación del Acta minutes

  5. Public and Oral Communication/Comunicación Pública y Oral

  6. Advisory Committee Reports/Reporte de Comites

    1. LCAP, DAC, DELAC, Title I, ELAC

  7. New Business Items/Asuntos Nuevos

    1. Informational Items/Artículos informativos

      1. School Redesign Update

    2. Action Item 

      1. Approval of SPSA

      2. Community Schools Grant Application

      3. Needs Assessment/Gap Analysis

      4. School’s Program and Service Priorities 

  8. Old Business/Asuntos pasados

  9. Adjourn/Cerrar junta

What is the School Site Council?

School Site Council (SSC) is a unique school-level group that is charged with improving academic achievement through the compliant and efficient use of selected funds. Philosophical Foundations- Education should be a joint effort between students, parents, teachers, administrators, and other school staff whose common goal is the success of every student. SSC is looking for parent members to be elected. Elections will be in October. Please see the responsibilities of SSC members. 

  • Attend meetings regularly; share information with others you represent

  • Analyze the academic achievement of students at the school, including specific student groups, to determine priorities and areas of focus

  • Work with English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) regarding the development/revision of the SPSA.  

  • Also obtain input from school stakeholders (PLCs, Leadership Team, Classified Staff, etc.)